
The Job



Hello The Solver,

I’m writing to you with a job. Not just any job — The Job.

A wealthy patron has their eye on a lantern, stored deep in a museum’s vault. They call it The Lantern, and they say it could change their world. They are offering a sum so large to the person that can swipe it — well, I’ll just call it priceless.

You are the only one I know capable of pulling off such a feat. So how about it — are you in?

The Fixer
Start your heist

The Chase



You twist the key, open the door and — nothing. Well, almost nothing, but certainly not The Lantern. Inside is a postcard, and a scrap of what looks to be part of a blueprint.

Someone got to the safe first! Not just anyone, but master thief The Rival. You've clashed with them during high-stakes heists for most of your professional life.

The Rival

It seems they were one step ahead, but all is not lost.

A breadcrumb, on postcard, 2024
The Solver,

I do love when our paths cross. But when you WORK HARD FOR THE MONET, it never pays off.

I’m down for a challenge, so I’ll let you in on a secret. The Lantern wasn’t here. Can your big brain guess where I’m exploring next?

Worst wishes,
The Rival

You don your fedora, dust off your whip, and get cracking!

Continue your heist

The Escape



You dive headfirst through the temple entrance, right as the boulder crashes behind you. Unfortunately, you couldn't rescue your fedora in time — RIP. But you notice another piece of a blueprint wedged between the stone tiles.

The Rival is nowhere to be seen. And The Lantern is nowhere to be found. Dejected, you're about to book a flight home when the not-lantern you stole vibrates. It's a burner phone!

Hello The Solver
Who is this?
Now now, don’t go and THROW A TEMPLE TANTRUM
Very funny
I’m glad you’re not pancaked. Gives me more opportunities to best you. So The Lantern wasn’t there, huh?
It’s almost like I led you on a fun-filled adventure so I could steal it for myself? Well, I learned that The Lantern isn’t physical. Check this out: ssh admin@, pw=plzNoHax

Sent by The Rival


You're skeptical your art thief skills will extend to cybercrime. But you don your three-wolf-moon shirt, dust off your leather duster, and get hacking!

Continue your heist

The Rendezvous



You type furiously while the monitor's glow reflects in your eyes, thinking to yourself Enhance! I'm in! Wait, what do movie hackers say? Well, whatever you did seems to have worked, as the digital locks pixelate away, and another piece of the blueprint pops out of the printer. You steady your mouse hand, double click, and...

pixel rival
:Slow clap: :Slow clap: :Slow clap: Did you like my sweet honeypot, The Solver? Sorry you had to sit there and TWIDDLE YOUR THUMB DRIVE while I did all the heavy lifting.

Why, might you ask, am I putting you through all this? For that, I think it’s best we meet in person. It’s time we talked about The Lantern.

The Rival is not one to live in the shadows on their days off. Everyone knows about their super awesome hideout. Heck, you've visited here and there during the peak days of your rivalry, if not for a cup of tea and to steal back a Picasso.

You're swiftly escorted between butlers and security guards to the parlor, where The Rival is waiting for you. They pull out what could only be The Lantern!


“I apologize for the runaround,” they say. “I stole The Lantern months ago, then soon realized in order to activate it, I would need someone that rivaled my skills.

“So I played The Fixer and sent you down this path. To see if you were still up to the task. To see...,” they hesitate, “if I could trust you”.

“Along your way, I've left you blueprint pieces. So where is The Lantern?” They slide you one final note. You pull out the completed blueprint, place the note next to it, and look down at the artifact you've worked so hard to find. “The answer is right in front of you. No slacking!”

Continue your heist

The Rekindling



Together, you perform the steps needed to activate The Lantern, and in doing so REKINDLE AN OLD FLAME. The power of the ancient artifact is to see each other in a different light. Some of the most exhilarating moments of your life have been shared with The Rival. Really, you're more alike than different. And besides, it was never about the value of the target. It was the thrill of a heist most grand, and someone to share it with.


Congratulations on completing The Grand Hunt! Now go out and find your own lantern*

*but seriously, please don't steal from us, we have nothing left

Reminisce about your heist